Zugriffe auf alle Bilder bislang: 27.025.277
Fuxianospira gyrata Chen and Zhou, 1997
Fuxianospira gyrata Chen and Zhou, 1997
Unteres Kambrium
Stage 2, Series 3
Heilinpu Formation
Yu'anshan Member
Jiucun Township
Chengjiang City
Yunnan Province
Sammlung Bastelberger
Ursprünglich als Alge beschrieben wird F. gyrata heute von einigen Autoren als Koprolith betrachtet (z. B. Steiner et al. 2005).
Chen, J.Y., and Zhou, G., (1997) Biology of the Chengjiang fauna. Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science, v. 10, p. 11–105.
Hou, X., Aldridge, R., Bergstrom, J., Siveter, D.J., Siveter, D., and Feng, X., (2004) The Cambrian Fossils of Chengjiang, China: The Flowering of Early Animal Life. Malden, Wiley Blackwell, 233 p.
Maletz, J., Steiner, M., and Fatka, O., (2005) Middle Cambrian pterobranchs and the question: What is a graptolite? Lethaia, v. 38, p. 73–85.
Fu, X., Wu, M., Zhao, Y., Zhu, W., and Yang, Y., (2012) Discovery of macroalgae from the Cambrian Tsinghsutung Formation of Guizhou. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, v. 51, p. 56–63.
Wang, P.L., LoDuca, S. T., Wu, M. Y. et al., (2021) Benthic primary producers in exceptionally preserved Cambrian biotas of North China, Palaeoworld , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2021.01.009
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